When receipting funds to a refundable bond, you will note from the image below that the balance is $0.00 although the bond has been receipted.
This prevents the bond from disbursing accidentally.
Refund the guest the full bond
In order to refund the full bond to the guest, you need to right click on the refundable bond charge (in orange).
1. Right click on the Refundable Bond charge
2. Click Refundable Charge
3. Select Click Refund Now.
1. Select Cheque (we select a fictitious cheque number in order to have an unpresented transaction in the reconciliation screen to present once the funds have left the actual trust account).
2. Enter the fictitious cheque number 999 - Res# with your reservation number
3. Enter your comment if you like but these words do not show in your Bank Reconciliation
4. Click Process.
Refund the guest a partial bond
If you wish to hold some of the funds for damage/extra cleaning, you need to use the function, Apply to Account. This allocates the bond monies to the reservation ledger instead of refunding the entire amount to the guest. If you know the exact amount of what you are charging the guest, you can refund the funds as per above instructions, making sure you change the amount to refund. If you are not sure how much the charges will be, we suggest selecting Apply to Account the whole amount.
1. Right click on the Refundable Bond Charge
2. Click Refundable Charge
3. Select Apply to Account.
Once the bond has been Applied to the Account the Extras tab will show a credit, this shows as a negative. You can now raise a 3rd party sundry charge to pay the creditor.
1. Select the creditor
2. Enter the Comment for what the charges are for
3. Enter the unit price
4. Apply/Next for more charges or Apply/Exit to finalise.
or a General Transfer sundry to pay out the funds
1. Select the General Transfer sundry
2. Comment for charges
3. Enter the unit price
4. Apply/Next for more charges or Apply/Exit to finalise.
You can then refund the remaining funds to the guest:
1. Select the Corrections button
2. Select Refund
3. Select Cheque (we select a fictitious cheque number in order to have an unpresented transaction in the reconciliation screen to present once the funds have left the actual trust account).
4. Make sure the amount you are refunding to the guest is correct.
5. Enter the fictitious cheque number 999 - Res# with your reservation number
6. Enter your comment if you like but these words do not show in your Bank Reconciliation
7. Click Process.
Once the above steps have been completed, you must physically transfer the money from your trust account via your relevant internet banking or payment gateway to the guest.
Once the funds actually leave your trust account, you can present the cheque payment in the reconciliation screen.
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