To connect a new Airbnb account to Homhero, please follow the below steps:
Step 1
Remove access to any connected apps in Airbnb first. This only applies if you have previously been connected to another software.
- Login to the Airbnb account you are wishing to connect
- Click Account from the menu
- Click Privacy & Sharing
- Click the Services tab
- Under Connected Services, click Remove Access
If there are no connected Apps, please continue to the next step.
Step 2
Connect Account in Homhero.
- Click "Channel Management" from the Homhero side menu
- Navigate to Airbnb and click on the "spanner" icon in the top right hand side of the box
- Click Connect Account (It will re-direct you to your Airbnb account)
If you receive the below error when connecting your Airbnb account, you have missed the first step. - Tick the checkbox next to 'I agree to the Airbnb Additional Terms of Service'.
- Click the Allow button
- You should receive a pop-up in Homhero stating ‘Airbnb Account Added Successfully’
Step 3
Complete Global Airbnb Settings.
- Once your account is connected, click on the green edit pencil icon. This will open up the global Airbnb settings. These settings will apply to all of your listings by default. You can also override these global settings on a listing by listing basis
- Complete global settings and Save
Click here for instructions on how to complete your Global Airbnb Settings.
Step 4
Connect your Airbnb listings.
Click here for instructions on how to create new Airbnb listings or merge with existing listings on Airbnb.
Adding multiple Airbnb Accounts
Homhero supports the ability to connect multiple Airbnb accounts under one database. The same steps will apply to connect them, however we have listed some additional settings below to be familiar with when managing multiple Airbnb Accounts:
- Name - Click in the box under the Name column to manually adjust the OTA Account Name for better identification between accounts
- Default Account - Click the checkbox under the Default Account column to set the default Airbnb account used when creating new Airbnb listings
- Update Authentication - On rare cases when your Airbnb account token expires, Homhero may require you to re-authenticate your Airbnb account with Homhero to ensure everything is syncing correctly. This should only be used when you are logged into the Airbnb account you are trying to re-authenticate. If you are unsure how this works, please reach out to Homhero Support for assistance before clicking this button
- Revoke Account - This button will revoke access to your Airbnb account which means that all Airbnb listings relating to this Airbnb account will no longer be managed by Homhero. This should not be used unless you are aware of the impacts it will cause afterwards. If this is revoked by mistake, you may experience issues on Airbnb such as incorrect availability, incorrect pricing and double bookings. Please reach out to Homhero Support immediately if this issue occurs
- Confirm Revoke Account Access - If you have clicked the revoke account button, a pop-up will appear to make sure you are aware of the impacts caused by this change. Click Yes or No to proceed
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