General Transfer sundries are used in guest bookings ie Booking Fees. All general transfer sundries will automatically go to General Transfers once the booking departs and be transferred to your General Bank account as part of your end of the month procedure (or any time during the month that you wish).
Before you start creating the Sundry, make sure you already have a GL Acc Code that applies to this sundry if not you will need to create one by following the instructions. Create a GL Account Code
1. Type Sundry in the Menu and select Setup + Accounting + Sundry
2. Select +
3. Type in the Description = Sundry name.
4. Start to type in the GL Code and hit enter and it will come up with a selection of GL codes - please note you must select from the options as this creates the link.
5. Take note of the GST Type – this needs to be correct as you cannot go back and change it later. A General Transfer type Sundry would generally be Full GST Applies.
6. Select Properties and the plus symbol
7. Select the Property (Agency Name)
8. Select the > arrow and move the Property to the right hand column
9. Select the Tick and then Save and Exit
In Homhero:
1. Select Settings
2. Select Sundries. Alternatively, type Sundries into the search option area and select the resulting menu.
3. Select Sync from RMS (please wait until you get the alert saying the SYNC is completed. This will appear on the right hand side of your whole screen in the green label).
4. As soon as the Sync is completed, refresh the section.
5. Use the Search tool to find the Sundry - please note this can take up to 10 mins to be available in Homhero.
6. Save
You can now proceed to use this sundry in a package if you would like. How to Create a Package
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